Bronson performs some needed screen maintenance.
Colin and Noah use trowels to excavate a test unit.
Jessica and Manon use shovels to remove the plow zone from a test unit, while Rich tends to paperwork.
Anais, Andyfan and Cynthia take a break from excavating to pose for the camera.
Zoey, Bronson and Crissy screen dirt excavated from a test unit.
Anais shovels dirt into a bucket for plow zone screening.
Dustin and Jay use trowels to excavate their test unit.
Celia straightens up the walls of her test unit, which is located next to a woodchuck den.
The crew takes a break from excavating to help the Canticle farmers rid the potato plants of potato bugs and their larvae.
Colin and Rich work on their 1m X 1m test unit.
It can be hard work, hot and muggy, or cold and wet. That's just a part of being an archaeologist!
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