This is the place to find out the latest developments in the AVP. Find out what new archaeological discoveries have been made, and find out how to volunteer for an archaeological investigation.

Monday, July 25, 2016

What's It Like to Volunteer?

Our annual Community Archaeology Day is coming up on July 30 (Saturday, 10-5), and everyone is welcome to come on out and tour the site, and participate in fun activities for the entire family. We would also like to remind you that you are always welcome to visit or volunteer every day we're at the site. What's it like to volunteer? Here are some students and volunteers in action:

Bronson performs some needed screen maintenance. 

Colin and Noah use trowels to excavate a test unit.

Jessica and Manon use shovels to remove the plow zone from a test unit, while Rich tends to paperwork.

Anais, Andyfan and Cynthia take a break from excavating to pose for the camera.

Zoey, Bronson and Crissy screen dirt excavated from a test unit.

Anais shovels dirt into a bucket for plow zone screening.

Dustin and Jay use trowels to excavate their test unit.

Celia straightens up the walls of her test unit, which is located next to a woodchuck den.

The crew takes a break from excavating to help the Canticle farmers rid the potato plants of potato bugs and their larvae.

Colin and Rich work on their 1m X 1m test unit.

It can be hard work, hot and muggy, or cold and wet. That's just a part of being an archaeologist!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

AVP at Letchworth State Park

Our Sunday excursion on July 17 was to Letchworth State Park, where we enjoyed the beautiful scenery.
Colin, Zoey, Andyfan, Anais and Manon at a scenic overlook.

Manon, Jessica, Crissy, Rich, Colin, Anais, Andyfan, Zoey and Chelsea at the stone bridge.

The gang at Upper Falls, with the soon-to-be demolished railroad bridge in the background.

The gang milling about at an overlook.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Our Fifth Annual Overlook Photo

As in years past, a wonderful group of students and volunteers!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

VFP/AVP International Volunteers

Our international volunteers are settling in quite nicely.
Andyfan is screening at a 1m x 1m test unit. She is from Beijng, China.

Manon, from Lyon, France, uses a trowel to level out the base of a test unit.

Zoey takes a break from straightening the walls of a test unit. She is also from Beijing.

Anais removes dirt from the bottom of a test unit. She is another volunteer from Lyon.

Colin pours dirt into a screening bucket. He hails from Montpellier, France.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Season 2016 is Underway!

We've had a bit of a rainy start, but we've managed to set the grid and start a few test units in our first few days.
JCC/AVP Field School students Al, Dustin and Jessica set up a test unit.

JCC/AVP Field School student Bronson works on a wall within his unit.

JCC/AVP Field School student Chelsea screens with volunteer Crissy.

And one of our neighbors is keeping a sharp eye on us....