This is the place to find out the latest developments in the AVP. Find out what new archaeological discoveries have been made, and find out how to volunteer for an archaeological investigation.

About Us

What we do...
We strive to educate the public about scientific archaeology, archaeological work, past human and environmental interaction, and related themes. We support, conduct and facilitate responsible scientific archaeological research in the region surrounding the Allegheny Valley, including Cattaraugus, Allegany, McKean and Potter counties. We also encourage the conservation of important archaeological resources. We collaborate with the Seneca-Iroquois National Museum, Jamestown Community College, and other cultural and educational institutions to further our educational outreach. We also produce and disseminate research reports, peer-reviewed articles, and other scholarly publications related to Allegheny Valley Project activities.

Volunteer Activities

The Allegheny Valley Project is dedicated to providing opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to participate in scientific discovery. No experience is necessary, as new volunteers are teamed up with seasoned volunteers for hands-on learning. Volunteer opportunities range from excavation to lab processing to paperwork.  Participants under the age of 14 need to be accompanied by a responsible adult. All are welcome, so join us out in the field or in the lab!

 Workshops and Activities
During our summer field season, we offer several workshops to enhance the educational experience for our volunteers and students. These can include atlatl (spear-thrower) instruction and practice, artifact identification, flintknapping (pictured to the right), geophysics, and lab methods. We also take field trips to local cultural events and attractions, like the Seneca-Iroquois National Museum, the Seneca Pow-wow and Rock City Park. We also offer a summer field school for college credit through Jamestown Community College. 

Supporting the Project
The Allegheny Valley Project is dependent on contributions from project supporters. Though our administrative costs are minimal because all of our staff and board are volunteers, archaeology is still an expensive endeavor. Your contributions fund many important project activities and research expenses. You help equip our volunteers with the tools and supplies necessary to carry out the basic functions of our excavations and analyses. You provide for our educational outreach activities like workshops, presentations, and traveling displays. You also help pay for necessary research costs like radiocarbon dating. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, so your contribution is tax deductible. Mail your contribution along with the supporting membership form below, or contribute via our secure "Donate" button in the upper right corner of this page.

Community Membership
There is no charge to be a member or to participate in AVP excavations or lab activities. We are a community for archaeology, so everyone who is involved with the AVP in any way is a member of our community. To help with the various expenses of operating a non-profit educational organization, we have a network of supporting members.  To become a supporting member, the minimal annual contribution is $15 for an individual, $25 for a family, or $10 for a student or senior. You can either print out the form below and mail your contribution, or use the secure "Donate" button on the upper right corner of this page. Welcome to the community!

Supporting membership form:

City:_______________ St:___ Zip:______
Phone:______________   circle one:
Individual            Family           Senior         Student

Complete and mail with your check to
        Allegheny Valley Project
        900 S. Lamar Blvd. #213
        Austin TX 78704

Thank you for your support!

1 comment:

Kirill Ketaropson said...

Hello! I am a student from Russia. I would like to volunteer in your camp this summer.
Please could you answer some of my questions?
1. What vegetarian options are there? I am vegetarian)
2. What is the price for accommodation?
3. How to get to the camp from the airport?
I am looking forward to your answer!